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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Friday 28 March _Dress up day - 'When I grow up I want to be a ...' | MONEY AND CAREERS WEEK AT WOODS PS
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Information and Communication Technology is an aid to pupils’ learning and is a powerful tool in the classroom. The modern technological world at home, at school and in the workplace has become increasingly reliant on computer experiences.  At Woods Primary School the pupils will have access to programs designed to enrich their learning experiences and opportunities.

Pupils gain manipulative skills and logical thought processes as well as learning from the factual content of computer programs. The range of programs available is constantly being up-dated in an effort to ensure that all aspects of the curriculum are covered.

Each classroom has a number of computers which are linked to the network and our pupils can access at any time in order to research information, develop word processing skills and carry out projects.  We also have a set of laptops and iPads for classes to use for whole class ICT sessions during the week.

Interactive whiteboards and iPads are in use throughout the school and these have proven to be a great enhancement to the quality of learning and teaching provided.

Our pupils also have access to a variety of other technological aids to assist them in their learning; these include: beebots, probots, spheros, mini drones and scanners.

As technology grows at a very fast rate, the school is constantly changing its provision to suit growing demands.