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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2017/2018 School Year

11th May 2018
P7 children from Woods and St Trea’s P.S. enjoyed their visit to Stormont...
11th May 2018
P1 did their assembly on The Creation.  They sang a song and told everyone...
8th May 2018
We were learning all about tree diagrams. We made our own tree diagram, sorting...
8th May 2018
P5 Shared Education trip with St Treas to the Seamus Heaney Homeplace, 'Making...
8th May 2018
Our shared education wall and kites.
2nd May 2018
P4 had lots of fun learning about measuring length, using metres, half metres, centimetres...
22nd Apr 2018
We enjoyed our shared lessons with the P2 children from St Treas.  Our focus...
20th Apr 2018
We had a visit from the local Animal Welfare officer today in assembly. 
19th Apr 2018
The boys and girls have been enjoying their art afterschool clubs. Thanks to Mrs...
19th Apr 2018
We had a great day at Springhill.  We explored the grounds and found...