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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2017/2018 School Year

5th Jun 2018
We had a brilliant day in the Nature Discovery Area at the Ulster Museum finding...
25th May 2018
We had a great day at our annual football tournament sponsored by Henry Brothers...
24th May 2018
As part of our World War Two topic, 'Through the Eyes of a Child,' we travelled...
24th May 2018
When learning about Greek Myths and Legends, we acted out some freeze frames.
24th May 2018
P4 really enjoyed practising their PE skills.
24th May 2018
Girls from P4 - P7 have been taking part in gymnastics sessions after school with...
22nd May 2018
P3 did a brilliant job of retelling one of their favourite stories, 'The day the...
21st May 2018
Some of the P7 children have been attending Heartstart training with Mrs Brady in...
14th May 2018
Special thanks to all parents, friends and staff who contributed to our Christmas...
12th May 2018
The school budget couldn't stretch to a trip to the 'Jungle' so we decided to go...