Access Keys:

Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2018/2019 School Year

19th Sep 2018
P1 children are well settled and enjoying their new routine at school. 
19th Sep 2018
The children attending the Miniversity ICT club this term are looking forward to...
30th Aug 2018
Everyone settled well and had good fun!

2017/2018 School Year

29th Jun 2018
Everyone had a great afternoon playing tennis and drumming! 
29th Jun 2018
Here are some more photos of the fun day on 25th June! 
28th Jun 2018
Primary 4 are enjoying their extra playtime and ice lollies in this beautiful weather,...
28th Jun 2018
Primary four enjoyed an art session with Hannah this morning painting paper plate...
28th Jun 2018
We had lots of fun playing games to develop our tennis skills with Paul Logan. Nathan,...
26th Jun 2018
P7 had great fun today with Paul Logan Tennis coaching, fun with drums and art with...
26th Jun 2018
P4 had great fun keeping beat and rhythm with the drums, they did a great job! ...