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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2020/2021 School Year

18th Oct 2020
In art P4 created their self portraits, looking carefully at the position of their...
18th Oct 2020
P4 have been started to learn their Times Tables in Term One. They looked at making...
18th Oct 2020
P4’s first term topic is ‘Home Sweet Home.’ They have been busy...
17th Oct 2020
Well done everyone! Your posters were super! 
17th Oct 2020
We have been learning about our 5 senses in Primary 2. We tasted fruit, went on...
17th Oct 2020
Hey! Hey! Look at me! We have had lots of fun this half term in Primary 2 learning...
16th Oct 2020
Well done to all children who participated in our poetry in lockdown competition....
15th Oct 2020
If you would like to support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal please send donations...
13th Oct 2020
P7 worked hard at simplifying fractions.