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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

8th Apr 2022
P5 had great fun during their Easter Fun Day. They had an Easter Scavenger Hunt,...
8th Apr 2022
P2 LOVED meeting some new friends! 
8th Apr 2022
The children had great fun rolling their eggs down the ramps.  P1 were the...
7th Apr 2022
We braved the wind and rain to complete our Easter Treasure Hunt. We all found some...
7th Apr 2022
P6 had a busy day participating in lots of Easter activities. We all enjoyed taking...
6th Apr 2022
The children enjoyed decorating some buns for Easter. Thank you to our 123 Club...
6th Apr 2022
Everyone enjoyed the P3 Easter assembly today.  Well done boys and girls. We...
5th Apr 2022
As part of their Topic his term, P4 planned and designed, collected the materials...