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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2022/2023 School Year

21st Oct 2022
Congratulations to our football team, made up of P6 and P7 boys, who took first...
19th Oct 2022
Everyone in P3 loved reading the story of 'The Gruffalo' and have had lots of fun...
19th Oct 2022
Primary 3 took their learning outdoors to investigate which tree in the garden was...
19th Oct 2022
The P6 boys and girls have been busy learning about sorting data. In the outdoor...
14th Oct 2022
P6 took part in an online workshop hosted by Izak9. They enjoyed completing problem...
14th Oct 2022
P3 children led our Harvest assembly on ‘Thankfulness.’  We all...
12th Oct 2022
P7 enjoyed playing team games including UNO, Dobble and 5 Second Rule as part of...
12th Oct 2022
P7 had great fun collecting autumn leaves and using them in their maths lesson...
10th Oct 2022
In the most recent multi-sports after school club session the children had the opportunity...