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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2015/2016 School Year

22nd Oct 2015
We investigated which items float and which ones sink. We sorted them using our...
22nd Oct 2015
P3 visit St Treas for shared lessons in PDMU and Maths to develop their thinking...
21st Oct 2015
P4 St Treas children joined Woods for a fun and active PDMU session exploring why...
21st Oct 2015
P4-P7 Children enjoyed an interesting presentation from N.I Water on how to save...
20th Oct 2015
We learnt that there are different types of boats which are used for different purposes. ...
20th Oct 2015
This term P3 have had lots of fun learning about Pirates and life at sea. ...
20th Oct 2015
We have been learning all about nature and Autumn.  We've enjoyed taking part...
20th Oct 2015
In our art and craft club we decided to use an Eco Theme. We designed and made our...
19th Oct 2015
During playtime we can practise our writing.  We have also enjoyed our Nursery...
19th Oct 2015
P1 are good at sorting, matching and making sets.  They love working together...