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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2015/2016 School Year

30th Jun 2016
Well done to Jack and Jonathan, two P7 pupils, for getting through the regional...
30th Jun 2016
P6 enjoyed making famous bridges from around the world as part of their W.A.U topic. ...
29th Jun 2016
Woods Pupil Council arranged two socials on Tuesday 28 June. The first was for P1-3...
27th Jun 2016
 We have been learning about fabrics this term. We did some weaving with paper....
27th Jun 2016
P4 enjoyed doing a traffic survey. They used the computer to create a graph of the...
27th Jun 2016
Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in our Prize Day Programme. ...
26th Jun 2016
The Eco assessors visited Woods on Wednesday 22 June 1-3pm. The ECO committee took...
22nd Jun 2016
Well done to Emma, our P6 pupil who was awarded a Green Blue Peter Badge. The green...
22nd Jun 2016
We really enjoyed making our bug hotel. We collected straw, moss, twigs, sticks,...
21st Jun 2016
A great morning was had by all during our sponsored fun run. All children and staff...