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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2016/2017 School Year

12th Oct 2016
Here are some of the different ways we learn to write in P1.
11th Oct 2016
Woods P.S and St Trea's P.S joined together to welcome parents from both schools...
23rd Sep 2016
Ethan and his Daddy brought in some ducklings for us to see.  They were only...
20th Sep 2016
We have been having lots of fun learning about nature and making crafts in 123 club...
20th Sep 2016
Music tuition has started again in Woods P.S.
13th Sep 2016
Everyone has settled well and are enjoying their new classes.
2nd Sep 2016
We are all enjoying our new school. There are lots of toys to play with and we are...

2015/2016 School Year

30th Jun 2016
As we say good bye to our P7 pupils we want to wish them lots of happiness and success...
30th Jun 2016
Everyone enjoyed a fantastic fun day. KS1 had a session with Twinkle (storyteller),...
30th Jun 2016
Well done to all our children who passed their Bronze, Silver and Gold violin exams....