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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2016/2017 School Year

17th Nov 2016
Each child from P4 - P7 designed their own anti-bullying poster. Three winners were...
17th Nov 2016
As part of anti-bullying week the P6 class led a whole school assembly.  They...
8th Nov 2016
P5 pupils from Woods Primary School and St Trea's Primary School have been learning...
28th Oct 2016
P3 have had great fun working and learning with St Trea's. The children participated...
28th Oct 2016
We made our own structures using our table team awards! 
28th Oct 2016
P3 have had great fun learning all about 'Pirates'. They have dressed up as pirates...
28th Oct 2016
Today we had our half term 123 Club party for all P1 - P3 children. We played...
28th Oct 2016
This term our WAU topic is Space. In our groups we designed and made our own rockets....
27th Oct 2016
Thank you to all parents who visited our recent book fair in school. We have received...
26th Oct 2016
P4 children really enjoyed their visit to Magherafelt Library. The Librarian explained how...