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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt

Money week is Monday 24 - Friday 28 March

21st Mar 2025

We are all excited and looking forward to Moneyweek next week. All classes will have the opportunity to learn more about where money comes from and how to save and spend money wisely! We will also learn about the jobs people do to earn money and are looking forward to hearing from some special visitors talking about their jobs.  The P5 Class will take our special Moneyweek assembly on Thursday.  We will finish the week by dressing up as the job we would like to do when we grow up and taking part in different careers day challenges including baking, STEM and planting!  

Remember to bring in lots of loose change for our Money Week Coin Trail Competition on Thursday!  The class with the longest money trail will win a prize! So let’s get collecting coins. All money raised will go into school funds.  Thank you to our families For their continued support.