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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt

News - P1

2018/2019 School Year

26th Nov 2018
The ECO committee met with Karen Brown (Mid Ulster Council) to hand over the batteries...
23rd Nov 2018
Well done to all of the pupils who participated in our 'Anti-bullying poster competition'....
12th Nov 2018
On Friday 9 November the P6 children led our school assembly with an Anti bullying...
26th Oct 2018
The pupil council raised £84 today when they sold raffle tickets for their...
26th Oct 2018
The children in 123 Club all enjoyed their half term party.
26th Oct 2018
Thank you to all families who contributed to our fundraising day in School. The...
19th Oct 2018
The children participated in the NSPCC ‘Speak Out. Stay Safe’ Programme...
18th Oct 2018
Children enjoying a healthy snack and playtime at Woods P. S.  P7 Playground...