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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt
Kindness in October continues in Woods PS Keep up the great work everyone!
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Anti-Bullying Assembly by P6

18th Nov 2022

Well done to all P6 pupils on their informative and exciting 'REACH OUT' Assembly to finish our Anti-bullying week. We were so impressed with your excellent anti-bullying poem and helpful tips to reach out to help to prevent bullying.

During the assembly we rewarded the Anti-Bullying Poster Competition best entries in each class. The standard of posters and artwork produced was fantastic.  We were delighted that Hannah Watterson visited school on Thursday to select the winning entries for us, not an easy task! Hannah is a past pupil, past member of staff and local artist. It was lovely to have her visit us and see how impressed she was with the children’s work.  Well done everyone! I hope we can all remember the “Reach out” message of Anti-bullying week 2022 and be kind to others everyday.