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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2021/2022 School Year

12th Nov 2021
P6 enjoyed another STEM day building air propelled rockets. Many thanks to Peter...
10th Nov 2021
Some of the children in P4 brought in the blueprint plans of their houses. We found...
5th Nov 2021
P4 have enjoyed mixing and using paints, and using pastels, to complete their spooky...
5th Nov 2021
P4 have been working very hard at their number work. Learning to read, write and...
5th Nov 2021
P5 had great fun making their assembly on friendship. We hope you enjoy!
5th Nov 2021
P4 had great fun using their right angle measurers to find right angles outside.
4th Nov 2021
P6, as part of their WAU theme 'Reach for the Stars' have been investigating using...
21st Oct 2021
P5 have been creating Stone Age artefacts, querns and cave drawings as part of their...
21st Oct 2021
Well done to everyone who entered the “Guess the character” Competition....
21st Oct 2021
Everyone in P5 and P6 who attended the after school club had a great time.  The...