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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2014/2015 School Year

26th Mar 2015
P5 have been finding out all about Fairtrade. We know that when we go shopping we...
26th Mar 2015
We loved decorating our Easter eggs.  It was fun looking at everyone's ideas...
26th Mar 2015
We have enjoyed finding out all about our school. We have been building our school...
25th Mar 2015
We were very excited about doing our class assembly in front of the whole school....
25th Mar 2015
As part of their CRED project with St. Trea's, P4 enjoyed taking part in rounders,...
20th Mar 2015
All classes experienced specially planned Science investigations in their classroom...
19th Mar 2015
P3 assembly was on their WAU topic of Australia. The children really enjoyed learning...
17th Mar 2015
We made our own cars! 
17th Mar 2015
The children brought in their favourite books to share with the rest of the class.
17th Mar 2015
The children prepared presentations about Australia and shared them with the rest...