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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2015/2016 School Year

20th Jun 2016
As part of our shared education programme P5 to P7 have been focusing on developing...
20th Jun 2016
Our P1-4 pupils joined St Treas for a STEM day run by Sentinus - Developing...
17th Jun 2016
Primary Five had their class assembly on Egyptians!
16th Jun 2016
The children in Primary Two had great fun exploring 'Henry Brothers' Nature Reserve'...
14th Jun 2016
Congratulations to Lara on winning the 'NDP-4 in Trampolining' at the N. Ireland...
13th Jun 2016
During the autumn and winter of 2015/16 P6 children participated in a creative writing...
13th Jun 2016
The Woods team really enjoyed participating in the McCann tournament on Friday 10th...
10th Jun 2016
This week in Woods PS it has been our Healthy Lifestyles Week. P6 took part...
9th Jun 2016
Well done to all of our children for taking part in Sports Day on Wednesday 8 June....
6th Jun 2016
Primary Five really enjoyed their Cancer Focus Talk. They picked up some useful...