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Woods Primary School, Magherafelt


2022/2023 School Year

9th Jun 2023
We have been very busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes, and sorting them into Carroll...
9th Jun 2023
P1 had to find all the different coloured puppies that were hiding in the playground. ...
7th Jun 2023
We had a lovely morning supporting our P1-3 children as they participated in the...
7th Jun 2023
Well done to all P4 & P5 children who participated in Sports Day races today....
7th Jun 2023
We all enjoyed watching the P6 and P7 children participate in their Sports Day Races....
6th Jun 2023
P6 have been learning about the difference between ratio and proportion. They were...
6th Jun 2023
The boys and girls in P1 have been enjoying learning outside in the lovely sunny...
5th Jun 2023
There was lots of excitement as children participated in ECO themed games outside...
2nd Jun 2023
We all had a fun day at school taking part in lots of activities including team...
2nd Jun 2023
TIMETABLE FOR SPORTS DAY 2023 9.15-10.30am P1-3 Individual Races 11-12.15pm...